We’re hiring two tenure-track positions in the History/Histoire program at Laurentian.
(1) Un poste francophone menant à la permanence en histoire autochtone nord-américaine au rang de professeur(e) adjoint(e). Entrée en fonction: le 1er juillet 2013. Les tâches liées au poste comprennent l’enseignement en français aux niveaux du premier et du deuxième cycle, des travaux de recherche et des responsabilités administratives. Les qualifications requises consistent en un doctorat en histoire (ou alors presque terminé) et une excellence démontrée en recherche et en enseignement dans le ou les domaines de spécialisation. Les candidates et candidats sont priés de soumettre un exposé de leurs recherches actuelles et planifiées, un dossier d’enseignement, un curriculum vitae et trois lettres de recommandation.
(2) An English-language tenure-track appointment in North American Indigenous history at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning July 1, 2013. Qualified candidates with expertise in the areas of northern, rural, or health history are especially encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will be expected to teach in English at the undergraduate level, and to participate in the M.A. program. Applicants must have a completed Ph.D. or be near to completion, with demonstrated research productivity and teaching experience. Candidates should submit a statement of current and prospective research, a teaching dossier, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference.
With its main campus located in Sudbury, Ontario, a city and region offering unique cultural, recreational, and educational opportunities, Laurentian University (LU) offers an outstanding university experience, in English and French with a comprehensive approach to Indigenous education.
Laurentian University is an equal opportunity employer. The Employer and the Union acknowledge the distinct role, special place and unique contribution of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada as well as the importance of Aboriginal languages and cultures in particular programs at Laurentian University. Further, they recognize that Aboriginal faculty are underrepresented in the University as a whole. The Employer and Union are committed to appointing a larger number of Aboriginal faculty, particularly outside Aboriginal-specific programs.
Laurentian University is a bilingual institution which has a policy of passive bilingualism (English/French) as a condition of tenure. In accordance with the Aboriginal Equity Initiative, the Employer and the Union have agreed to waive the requirement for French/English bilingualism and recognize as bilingualism the knowledge and/or demonstrated study of an Aboriginal language and one (1) of the two (2) official languages of Laurentian University.
Les membres du corps professoral de l’UL font partie de l’APUL (Association des professeurs de l’Université Laurentienne), laquelle publie sur son site Web (www.lufapul.ca) des informations et la convention collective. De plus amples renseignements sur l’Université Laurentienne figurent à http://www.laurentienne.ca
Contact: Applications and inquiries can be directed to Brock Higgins at 613-680-0077 or via email at brock@leadersinternational.com. The Selection Committee will begin reviewing applications in November, 2012. The competition will remain open until the positions are filled.
Website: http://aims-international.net/profiles/brock-higgins.